Saturday 10 March 2012


After their higher studies many people think they are having very good knowledge.

When they get a good paying job and earning a handsome money they even think they are top of the world.

They are going to job, got married , having children and without knowingly they become like a machine.

When the years go by they forget the lovely aspect of the nature.

Only when  he/she attains age of superannuation or getting ill,they come to realize it.

Now more free time available for them.

 They just thinking their past and become self pity, for not doing the things they wanted to do, or got depressed for their wrong doings when they are  healthy.

You know the proverb


So you must understand that the nature has given a time to understand itself.

Your gentle smile to the people around you, will bring light of hope within you.

Loving every thing in this world and spending time with others and helping as much you can, will throw away your depression.

If we think we are all one, all are our brothers, then where comes jealousy?

Love all are your children s .

Love all are your brothers and sisters.

Love all elders are your parents .

Always engage in some sort of little job which gives satisfaction for you.

One of them is gardening.

The plants you maintained, when blossoms one day and gives flowers, the happiness cannot  be told.
It should be felt.

 There are many reasons for your presence in this world.

Be happy and make others are also happy with your gentle approach.


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