Sunday 11 March 2012

Good Morning.

 Many people think they are always having negative thoughts .

Some people advice them they should have only positive thoughts; then only they will improve in their life.

  I got pity for them for their innocence!

For a coin their are two sides; The beautiful rose has both flowers and thorns; In one day there is light and darkness and so on.

If there is a positive thought, there will  always be a negative thought.

Similarly, if there is negative thought there will always be a positive thought.

Take a Example.

If you want to go to nearby city by  some vehicle, we will arrive their safely is a positive thought.

 If some mishaps occurs then how we will reach the destination is a negative thought.

From here we can see that the negative thought will prepare us, to reach our destination at any cost.

Similar is the fact for all our doings in this world.

When the negative thought will hurt us?

 If we thinking only about the mishap that may occur in our travelling! and worrying about it unnecessarily.

So don't worry about about your negative thoughts. Just think what is meant for it and forget it.

Have a enjoyable day today.

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