Friday, 24 August 2012


we are discussing about how to overcome against situations and circumstances.

There are variety  of situations and circumstances.

so single solution is not possible.

Depending upon the problems ,solutions will also be different.


If you are overjoyed or over sad ,there will  always be a danger of falling prey to situations and circumstances.


stock photo : beauty girl cry              stock photo : Depressed teenage girl.
 Don’t allow emotions to  control you.

You should control your emotions within your limits.

Have you ever saw peoples and buildings from a hill station?

 They are look like ants!

Try to look away from you.

                                                          see you again.

Saturday, 18 August 2012


 May be today will be a good day for all of you.

Fools only make same mistake twice!

Is it is  true?  No.

We are all human beings. It is nature to commit mistakes. But what compels a man to make same mistake again and again.

It is situations and circumstances.

we confuse that situations and circumstances are same ; but both are different.

Let us consider an example.

A Doctor advise to a sugar patient  not to eat sweets.

 The patient also intended not to eat sweets in future for the sake of his well being.

He informed his wife about hes intention.

 up to when he is in home he is safe.

What happens when he moves out for some reason?

When he goes to market or to his office he may come across many sweet stalls, which tempt him to eat sweets. This is circumstances.

When he visit to relation houses or meeting with friends or attending parties, he may be tempted to eat sweets.  on those occasions he may not have control over his senses . This is situations.

From this it is clear that situations and circumstances are stronger than us

The same thing happens when we want to overcome our bad habits,

we realize that bad habits are more powerful than good habits!

so we are committing same mistake again and again; then afterwards we feel sorry or it;

Then we talk to ourselves, I want to control my senses but unable to do, so I will  try for next time, but we are slipping again and again!

How many chances you require? one or two or hundred or thousand, hay man , I will bet you never succeed in it!

Why? is there is any way for this.

Many people in this world are falling prey to this situations and circumstances even-though they want to overcome from it.

Let us discuss in next article one of the way how to control over situations and circumstances.

good bye

Saturday, 11 August 2012


I hope you are well today.

 The biggest problem in these days are loneliness.

 We feel no body cares for us. no body asking us. no phone calls from our loved ones. Even our neighbor not sharing anything with us.

our thoughts will goes like this.

 "what is the purpose of  I am living here? No use for anybody. Even the death has not coming to me.

The GOD had also forgotten me"

. The thoughts will goes on , because no body there to stop it.

 But we forget one thing  ie.  in the above thinking we consider about man only.

 But it is not true.

There are birds , animals, plants, trees and wind always welcomes our presence here.

 Just call a dog with sound.
 It will twists it tail showing its love towards you.

Have you ever see and feel, after pouring a water to a plant, it gently shakes it branches offering thanks to you!

There are many other small like these things, which always welcomes your presence.

So shift your attention from man to nature.

The nature expect  nothing from you, other than your love.

It cost nothing to you.

So love the nature at least from now.

You are the most important person for this world ,  not in this world !

You are surrounded by the almighty world.

Be happy always.


Friday, 10 August 2012


I am again only for you!

We are all busy now a days.

. Even we don't think what is happening around us.

 Some times we come across many people who are already known to us.. somebody we may not know.

 What I am like to say here is that,  if any of them smiles us , we at many times not smiling back to them. 

 The reason behind this is very simple.

 We are always thinking about ourselves. our problems.

 Smiling  costs nothing.

 But it brings Cheerfulness in our souls. some freshness. we forget our sadness , sorrows, loneliness, and you believe it or not, it even overcomes depression.

Many people think that only man has ability to smile.

that's why I have shown a monkey's photo here. look at it for few minutes. see it eyes. how it's expressions. its face. its mouth. All it shows, you are so important to it.

 so smile with full hearted.


Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Our paths are narrow, but we always like shortcuts.

We want to beocme a rich man in quick time.

 We want to accomplish our goals within a short time.

So tension builts up.

 We not only disturb ourselfs but also affect our surroundings.

See the nature.

Though it looks slow;  it is steady.

 Even a seed requires a definite time to come out from earth to become a plant.

 our good deeds always purify us in future.

 so be patience.

keep on doing good things to others.

if you have no money; don't worry.

our smooth words will give peacefulness.


Friday, 18 May 2012

  I am very glad to see you again.

just look at this picture here.

 The water flows steadily. It passes through  many obstacles; but it never looks back. It final goal is to reach the sea.

It achieves it at any cost.

But what about us. Honestly saying we don't have any goals.

Of course we have goals. but all of them are this worldly related.

 Up-to certain level these are essentially required ,afterwards we should concentrate on other things in our life.

 what is the reason we are coming here. whether we are satisfied with our previous actions .

All of us are human beings. It is natural to commit mistakes. But we know the proverb

"fools only make same mistake twice! "

so just go along with nature like flow of water. Never forget our final goal, to realize the ultimate truth.

Love all of them who are coming across in your life.

let nature  always with you , bai.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

  I think all of you are well.

 Due to fire accident on 17.4.2012 in my home, my right hand forearm splashed with hot oil and I am admitted to hospital with II degree Burns.

with nature's kind attention I am recovering fast.

But I think it will take one or two months to recover fully.

I feel very sorry that I am unable to communicate with all of you.

all of you know the proverb

"Doctor dress the wound
But GOD heels it"

That was happened to me also. Nature slowly healing my wounds.

This long rest teaches many lessons to me. In my hard times I always try to be happy and got succeeded.

This is possible only if we always love the nature and understand the truth that
we are not away from the nature.

see  you again shortly.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

 Many people think they are talented than others.

They even try to foolish the peoples who are coming across in their day  to day life.

But they had forgotten their childhood days.

 On those days even for small aspects, they  are dependent on the parents or neighbors.

As we grow we are acquiring knowledge, it also increases our head weight.

Only a person who has wisdom, overcomes the head weight and loves the people.

Whether we can construct a net like birds?

Every living thing in this world has their own knowledge.

Only man is comparing with others and degrading them.

He fail to notice the qualities and knowledge they are having but not owned by him.

It is always good to look the other man's knowledge and his capabilities and to learn something from him.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Many people only thing of the results. 

The hard work behind it never comes to light.

People's are seeing only fruits.

 They are not seeing roots,stems, leaves,flowers.

Good habits are also like these. They should be practiced regularly. 

Many people surprise how they are kind, soft spoken,  and having helping tendency. 

It is not coming in a single day.

Your unbreakable willingness   will achieve this character.

You will defiantly get peace if you acquire this type of character.

Let us begin to practice for this, from today. 
Thank you.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Sorry ,

Due to heavy workload  I am unable to communicate with you!

Start the day with a happy note,

Happy or unhappy is not in the things  It is only within ourselves.

 The thing which is happy at one time is also cause for our unhappiness .

Then what to do?

With the knowledge only ,we can come out of the trap of happiness and sorrow.

We are here in this tiny world, comparing to our solar system, to love nature, to love each other, at least our words should give peaceful to human we are coming across daily.

That will give satisfaction and enlighten us to live natural way.

Take a pledge today, to help someone  who are in needy.

Here I am mentioning not money matter.

Just giving a hand to the person, who  fell on the ground is also a help.

Helping a student to understand his subject is also a help and so on.

When we are practicing these things, we first gets self satisfaction then happiness which will never ends.

Even after many years ,when we thing our early days, these small things never forgettable  and we will defiantly have satisfaction through which happiness that we lived in this world reasonably well.

So be a kind person!. happiest person Always.!


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Monday, 12 March 2012


Always we want to be a good man with good manners.

 But in reality we fail many times in doing so. 

Why it happens? 

We lost our self control and fell into the prey of circumstances. 

I accept the chances and circumstances may strong and divert you to do things, which are not use both to you and to your family.

Then what will happen?

 We feel sorry for the wrong things ,we have done and feeling it again and again.  throughout our life!

The better idea will be to move our self  from that situation. 

Just thing of water flowing

It may come across many good places and worst places. It accepts everything and flows continuously. 

It digest the surroundings and went to the final goal of reaching the ocean , where it originally comes from.

But what about ours?

From today on wards we should remain and calm in any situations that affect us or as already said if possible move away from it.

Nature always permit you. or will give strength to you to face the situation.

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Sunday, 11 March 2012

Good Morning.

 Many people think they are always having negative thoughts .

Some people advice them they should have only positive thoughts; then only they will improve in their life.

  I got pity for them for their innocence!

For a coin their are two sides; The beautiful rose has both flowers and thorns; In one day there is light and darkness and so on.

If there is a positive thought, there will  always be a negative thought.

Similarly, if there is negative thought there will always be a positive thought.

Take a Example.

If you want to go to nearby city by  some vehicle, we will arrive their safely is a positive thought.

 If some mishaps occurs then how we will reach the destination is a negative thought.

From here we can see that the negative thought will prepare us, to reach our destination at any cost.

Similar is the fact for all our doings in this world.

When the negative thought will hurt us?

 If we thinking only about the mishap that may occur in our travelling! and worrying about it unnecessarily.

So don't worry about about your negative thoughts. Just think what is meant for it and forget it.

Have a enjoyable day today.

Saturday, 10 March 2012


After their higher studies many people think they are having very good knowledge.

When they get a good paying job and earning a handsome money they even think they are top of the world.

They are going to job, got married , having children and without knowingly they become like a machine.

When the years go by they forget the lovely aspect of the nature.

Only when  he/she attains age of superannuation or getting ill,they come to realize it.

Now more free time available for them.

 They just thinking their past and become self pity, for not doing the things they wanted to do, or got depressed for their wrong doings when they are  healthy.

You know the proverb


So you must understand that the nature has given a time to understand itself.

Your gentle smile to the people around you, will bring light of hope within you.

Loving every thing in this world and spending time with others and helping as much you can, will throw away your depression.

If we think we are all one, all are our brothers, then where comes jealousy?

Love all are your children s .

Love all are your brothers and sisters.

Love all elders are your parents .

Always engage in some sort of little job which gives satisfaction for you.

One of them is gardening.

The plants you maintained, when blossoms one day and gives flowers, the happiness cannot  be told.
It should be felt.

 There are many reasons for your presence in this world.

Be happy and make others are also happy with your gentle approach.


Tuesday, 6 March 2012


 Many people say, to show your love and affection, speech is required.

Somebody say you should give gifts to them.

That is not true.

Only a gentle smile is required.

 It is possible to show your love and affection through your eyes.

The love shown should be unconditional; should not expecting anything from others.

It should be whole hearten.

The love extended not only to human beings, but also to other creatures in this world.

You even love the plants, trees, the hills, the sky above us.

They always have a various types of lesson to teach us.

Only when you think about them, you come to understand ,what they are giving to us without expecting anything from us.

Is rain anything expecting from you?

Or, it shows any partiality when pouring to earth.

Like that your love should be.

see you again

Monday, 5 March 2012


 Everybody is having their own duties.

 If we like it or not we should do it daily.

 One of them is going to job.

We should not be burden to anybody.

Whether it may be highly paid or low paid job, comparing  to our qualifications.

 A job is must for every person irrespective of gender.

 A woman should also be self dependable.

Expecting from others in the own family is nothing but a beggar like attitude.

 When one is earning he will have a more freedom to do the things in his own like.

 Afterwards only it is possible for him/her to help others who are needy.

 What I am here insisting is, money up to certain level is  always required; above that level, it is harmful not only for us, but also to our mind.

 So play the game safely,

See you again.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Wish you happy day today.

                                 Actually to say, we don't know what is required for us.

We always went behind many things which are not actually required for us.

We spend our valuable time in these things,  we realize this only  later on.

Everyday in the morning let think, what we should do today.

Apart from the routine schedule, let plan to visit park, sea shore if available, playing with children, and finally a calm place to refine our thoughts.

Hear the sound of birds, the sound of breeze passing through trees,the calm sky.

All of them will remind you ,what the purpose you are coming in this world.

Only to show your love, to all beings in the nature.

Money doesn't matter.

Lot of people in this world having a money, but nobody to love them, even to listen what they are saying,

spending days lonely,

To them,

Be patience, Be kind, Spoke gentle words,

Always ready to extend your hands who are in needy,

Then only our purpose of life in this world fulfilled.

good bye.


  We need to change our opinions with others.

If we thing all people in this world are good, then all of them looks good.

If we thing all people are selfish, then they will look like selfish.

This is nothing but a two sides of a coin.

The problem is which side of coin we are looking!

 See you tomorrow


We are cleaning our body everyday.

 Also we are cleaning our house daily ,to keep our house neat and tidy.

Whether we concentrate cleaning our mind daily? of course not at all.

 A lot of unwanted things fell into our mind, whether we like it or not , through our eyes, through our ears, through our nose.

 These things slowly went to our unconscious  mind and affects us in future days.

 Then how to purify our thoughts?

Many of us don't know, about  a bird which has lived in this world a long ago, which drink milk only, when we mix milk and water together.

 This may be a story but we should understand the concept behind that.

Whenever we saw a unwanted things just forget it, don't  give weight to it.

 Readings books which enrich our knowledge.

 Listening music which soothe our nerves.

 Further more our thoughts should be purified one. not hurting anybody through our words.

We always tend help others who are in needy.

Just smiling, doesn't cost nothing.

The above discussed things slowly brings you inner peace and satisfaction that we have lived in this giant world correctly.


Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Wish you happy day today,

We are most intelligent creature in this world. no doubt.

 But with this intelligent what we have achieved?

We have improved our lifestyle to a great extent. is it beneficial to all in this world?.

 No. only selfishness is existing everywhere.

 Due to the development of mankind many creatures are diminished from this world. Man demolished anything and everything for his wellness.

Whether he is happy now? not at all.

 He is surrounded by various unwanted things which puts him to lot of trouble everyday.

 When will he regain his happiness?

 Only when he loves everything in this world.

 Even from tiny ant to big giant elephant.

All are having equal rights to live in this world, like man.

 Loving only is not enough. He should give his attention to nature.

The huge rocks.

 The warmth breeze.

 The blue sky.

 The green trees.

The blossomed flowers.

 Only from this you can see how your problems are small and meaningless in this giant world.

You will get re freshness thoughts from them.

Don't go behind money always.

Try to spare time for other things also, to enrich yourself in this world.

Be happy always.

good bye

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

    Everybody in this world is having some purpose.

   Many time we think we are born waste. We are useless.

   when we feel like that? when our expectations are going wrong or over expectations.

 See the nature.

 Even a child requires ten months to grow inside the mother.

 A seed requires years together to become a tree.

 But we want everything to be done fast.In this process we lost everything.  Our happiness. Our peace.Our relations. Finally ourselves.

 Our mind is full of how to earn fast money. We think, money only give all things, all happiness.

Only man is saving, not only for his lifespan but also for his next generations.

 But we do not realize it cannot give peace.

 More and more money will give raise to a lot problems only.

 In this process we lost everything in our life. Peace, Happiness. The satisfaction of sharing.

We realize this only in our old ages. But time has gone by that time.

Always try to help and love others without any expectations. not expecting anything from them.

Others means not only mankind. All creatures in this lovely world.

 The happiness  of helping and loving cannot be said, it can only be realized.

When we make this, in our daily part of life, the world will be looking  like a glorious one.

We don't feel we are lonely.

We don't feel we are useless.

The same dull world now like a beautiful one.

Just practice in one week,. when looking back after one week, , the truth can be understood..

Good bye.
 see you  again.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

  Everyday the world is changing.

 But we don't change our views.

 Thinking past and future but forgetting the present.

 Just come out from the trap

 See the world just now you are born in this world today.

 A nice breeze flowing across you.

 The welcoming trees. Birds sounds.

All you are neglecting everyday.

 Even if you have busy schedule you have time to relax your mind.

Once if you have learnt how to stay along with nature, the world will be looking beautiful to you,

love all the things in nature. Don't want to become a owner of everything you like or come across.

Is the gentle breeze passing across the flowers takes along it.

Have a nice day.

Friday, 24 February 2012


       At many times we feel we are alone.

     That's not true. we are surrounded by so many things waiting for our attention.

    Just look around. A flower blossems for whom?

   To attract your attention. But what we are doing. we always thing ourselves. our problems.

   We are not even like to comeout of the circle which was drawn around by us.

   Thereare so many things in this world.

   past gone is past. It will not return again. why should we worry for that?

  Live for today. Be happy.

  More precise saying live in at this moment. 

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

  Long long ago rose plant has no flowers.

 In a forest a rose plant and jasmine plant are neighbours. 

Daily jasmine has blossembed white flowers like full moon white colour.

On seeing it the rose plant cries what is wrong with me. O God! please give me flower like jasmine. The people in this world are neglecting me.

 Days went by. One day a priest who walks along the forest hears the little rose plant wheeping sound.

 He went near to the rose plant and asked what is your problem? The rose plant said I want to blossom flowers like Jasmine.

  The priest smiled and told search inside with you,you will find the  answer. The rose plant obey the wordings of the priest and search inside  through the roots.

Atlast it finds it!

 It brings out the special qualities which is only belong to it. It becomes a flower which is rose in colour. The world now followers and lovers of the rose plant.

                                    So Don't like to become anybody.
                                     Create your own path.

 if any comments.plaese post it .


  I am not able to forget this day. I am opening a new window not only to express my views on various aspects which come across in my life but also to forget your worries in your day to day life and be happy  at all times.

                                       see you tommorrow